Friday, May 11, 2012

Bug fix

A recent error with prezi meant that the images of : Sketches. were deleted after prezi saved the file.
This bug has now been fixed.
How to fix if you get this problem:
Step 1 - press save on the prezi file.
Step 2 - press exit.
Step 3 - wait for the exit to save then refresh your prezi page.
The error only happened once with me but it would not allow me to post the images unless I did this.
But if anyone else has this problem this is how I fixed it.

Monday, May 7, 2012

my magazine


media evaluation

vids for my media evaluation

Wednesday, February 1, 2012

~ Evaluation ~Looking back at your preliminary task , what do you feel you have learnt in the progression from it to the full product?

What I have learnt in my Preliminary task.
organisation is key ! throughout the task i did not have as much organisation as i should of and i learnt the hard way by quickly falling behind on work, having to catch up again was a struggle, from this experience i have learnt that i must organise my time and work properly in order to keep my work at a good level of quality.
with this task i have also learnt about product process and how important the drafts are to the project and thinking about the research realistically  to understand what works and does not. Their are a lot of changes i would like to make to my product now looking back but this has hindered me here but gained me the ready for the next project . i will be spending more time on the research then creating the product to a higher standard as well as try to one up the research work with my product, making it better than the research is the goal. learning about how a product is created gives a good feel to the industry, but at the moment its lonely, it would be nice to have a team to work with, to spin ideas and designs. though i already have the class to help with that and teachers it would be nice to work with a team of people to create a product assigning different rolls to each other to our best suited areas. but not only that, its more about having a team to collaborate and not have the constant feel of being alone on the whole project as well as not having to find or edit things by ones self one at a time but with a team to move the project along faster which intern will allow for more time for improvements.

~Evlauation~What have you learnt about technologies from the process of constructing this product?

What have I learnt about the technologies used during the construction of this product ?

Whilst creating this product I have mainly learnt more about how to use photoshop and using variety of tools to create the final product instead of a few as well as using multiple Design platforms to further increase the production and quality of my product, i will definitely be using these more for the next project.
I have started to understand more about Blogger and how to use it to present my work. this has given a more comfortable feel to my work and how i work all together. like any social networking website this allows more freedom of speech, i fell that in Blogger i can be more free to say "hey i just got inspired by this " instead of having to write a page on something that inspired me only slightly. this feels a lot more natural to use and makes understanding where inspiration and ideas came from and is more enjoyable than writing a essay on why something interested you. but like all social networking websites i am a new kid on the playground and i feel very cautious of what i do, scared like. though after this project i feel more open to blogger so with my next project i hope to use it more to present my ideas, designs, products and results.

~Evaluation~ who would be the audience for your media product.

So what does this fancy schmancy stuff do then ?

The way the audience is attracted to my Magazine is by the use of graphics mixed to the time of year and expected weather, using this combination The magazine creates a connection with the viewer and allows them to feel that reading that magazine may help them through what is going on with the weather and time of year , the same can be done for other times of the year such as Summer for instance i could add a brighter background, use the sun, use bright Orange , Yellow  and light blue to show the time of the year and the weather outside expected. this brings a connection with the viewer to the weather, many magazines do this which is why if the weather has changed from expected one year and say for instance their is a summer magazine out in summer but the weather is raining throughout the whole summer people are less likely to buy that magazine.
so back to my magazine, with this product it does the same as the mainstream products but the difference is that with this product being in such a local area its easy to change a cover before its released to provide a better attraction to the viewer. though this may not always be the case.
The image below how ever has a way of dealing with this problem, the background is bland and plain which allows for any weather change .

~Evaluation~ what kind of media institution might distribute your media product and why?

Who might distribute my school magazine.
this magazine is aimed at a specific school so selling this product 3 miles away will not help or attract the audience it was intended for. so if anyone was to distribute my product it would have to be in the local area and this includes, school and local churches would be the main target for this kind of product.

selling it at school is a way of gaining its interest, but most of the time these products are not taken seriously by younger audiences so this would be aimed at the older audience and those who are able to get to the church or place where the product can be sold free/ when ever they want. also parents would take this more seriously, perhaps a subscription biased way of selling this to the parents of students, a monthly or weekly issue straight to your door.
This is a School magazine so it is sensitive of where the product is placed, it has to be placed in areas that are least likely to attract the wrong viewers. not only that but it needs to be safe for those in the magazine. as the magazine uses child photography and features a lot of school life, it has to be trusted to people who would not abuse this magazine. eg parents. local strangers are not to be given a school magazine for reasons of security to each student.

~Evaluation~ In what ways does your media product use, develop or challenge forms and conventions of real media products?

A Evaluation of my Media project - School Magazine front cover and contents page.

- Looking at the product.
When looking at my media product I must look at the way that this product has developed its self as a magazine. To do this I must look at the way that the product uses and or changes the conventions and forms of real media products. 
First I will look at the way the product uses conventions. 

Looking at an actual school magazine in comparison to mine.

With this magazine the information on all the pages is located on the front cover, my magazine has more lours on the front cover to bring the audience in to the magazine. but with this cover it also uses a way to bring the audience in to the product, it uses  "sports overview" lour to make the viewer want to see more.
This magazine also has a key image that reflects school life, like mine too the key image is to do about school but with mine my key image subverting the convention by pushing the image to the back and focusing more on the boxes and this is clearly shown with the FFH magazine by the C on the girls shirt representing a netball game. the C shirt is a convention for sports in schools. In comparison to mine though, I do not use a human figure, instead mine is using one of the school buildings to present the school feel.

What my product does different or does not follow conventions of a school product has many more pages than the "FFH" product, and does not show the whole contents of the magazine on the front cover, instead my product takes the conventions from a normal high street magazine, and mixes it with a school magazine.
with this feature the viewer is more drawn in to the product due to the more common look and feel of the magazine, whilst keeping it a school orientated magazine.

This magazine challenged the forms of a real school magazine by adding a style change to each session, instead of colour variation it changes the type of box that outlines the text to keep the graphics fresh and new. other real life magazines change with this too, here is a magazine that i read that changes every episode to fit the main story.

So by doing this I am giving the viewer a pleasant look to their issues.

Monday, January 30, 2012

Magazine contents page, work in progress

Got a little bit more to do on this but should be finished soon.
front cover is at school so can not post, I will post that in the next post.